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Probion 相關產品:

Probion - Active
Probion - Basic
Probion - Clinica

ProBion ProbiMin+ Powder 專利益生菌-粉劑 (250g)
• 適宜用於嬰兒, 幼兒或難吞嚥片劑人士例如長者
• 可加水或加於食物一同食用
• 亦適合動物, eg.貓、狗、馬食用
• 每瓶份量250g,以每日1-3茶匙建議份量計算(每茶匙3.5g,每瓶可用大約24-70次
• 如供寵物食用,可由獸醫或治療師按動物大小建議份量。譬如貓隻可每天一茶匙分數次加入食物餵飼。
• 不含麥麩、牛奶或大豆。
• 益生菌是有益於我們的活的微生物,像種籽一樣,攝取後會在腸道內助長益菌叢生。

成分 :
含60億益生菌:乳雙歧桿菌、嗜酸乳桿菌、植物乳桿菌、副乾酪乳桿菌、保加利亞乳桿菌、菊糖 (益生元)。不含麥麩、牛奶或大豆。

ProBion ProbiMin+ 益生菌的菌種跟Daily一樣,包括以下5種益菌:
1. 乳雙歧桿菌 Bifidobacterium lactis
2. 嗜酸乳桿菌Lactobacillus acidophilus
3. 植物乳桿菌Lactobacillus plantarum
4. 副乾酪乳桿菌 Lactobacillus paracasei
5. 保加利亞乳桿菌 Lactobacillus bulgaricus

其他成分只有inulin 菊糖︰是萃取於植物纖維的益生元,用以在保存和食用後一直濡養並促進益菌的生長與繁殖,確保益菌壯大並順利抵達大腸。

ProBion ProbiMin+ 與ABCD四種益生菌不同之處是沒有xanthan黃原成分,這是因為粉劑不同於片劑,不需要黃原釋出黏液製再經壓縮製成片劑,故此也不需要蔬菜硬脂酸鎂作為助流劑。此產品不含黃原和硬脂酸鎂兩個製作片劑的成分,在效用和發揮力上會稍遜於ABCD,因為益菌少了保護,直達大腸的益菌份量會相對ABCD少,但不會遜於市面上其他粉狀或膠囊裝產品。ProBion ProbiMin+ 跟ProBion其它益生菌一樣,勝在菌種經過精密挑選,不但耐胃酸膽酸,且配搭巧妙,以質勝量,達到和諧的協同效應。



Probion, Sweden 瑞典

(註: FB liked 會員買滿HK$300, 可享$10節扣)
套餐價:HK$305 (購物滿HK$800 (本月套餐之星))

限量特價:HK$170 (exp 2022 Nov)

(資料更新自 June 04, 2022)

其它臨床資料 Other Clinical Ref:
Bacterial strains in ProBion

單張 Leaflet:
ProBion Leaflet

Other Info:

ProBion® is a unique tablet with a sustained quality and prolonged shelf life. The tablet has a controlled release and dissolution profile, where the bacteria are exposed continuously further down in the small and large intestine. This prolongs the bacterial effect.

ProBion® also contains Inulin, Xanthan and magnesium stearate (veg.). ProBion® is free from lactose. The lactic acid bacteria are cultivated without any supplement of milk or soya.

ProBion® is manufactured according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practise) and Flow Cytometric analyses by independent laboratories. Normally there are about 80 % viable and non-damaged bacteria with a guarantee of more than 50 % viable bacteria stored at room temperature in 24 months.

Inulin consists of natural fructo-oligosaccharides and -polysaccharides derived from the root Cichorium intybus. Carbohydrates like inulin stimulate the growth of probiotic bacteria and are considered to have positive effects on human health. Substances that stimulate the growth of probiotic bacteria are referred to as prebiotics. The combination of lactobacilli and inulin optimizes the bacterial effect.

Xanthan is a mucus forming substance that forms a protective cover around the bacteria during their passage towards the intestine preventing the damaging effects of bile- and gastric acids. Xanthan is produced by bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates.