保健品 | 舒壓及睡眠 Health Food | Relax n Sleep

甘胺酸鎂 Magnesium Glycinate (100vc, 50日份量)
• 缺鎂是都市人常見的亞健康情況 (全球2/3人口缺鎂)
• 每粒含500mg甘胺酸鎂 (鎂和甘胺酸結合)
• 吸收率可達80%, 比氧化鎂, 硫酸鎂, 碳酸鎂, 氫氧化鎂, 檸檬酸鎂等有更好的吸收
• 對腸胃溫和, 不肚瀉
• 功能:
1 幫助肌肉放鬆, 尤其晚上抽筋
2 改善睡眠及失眠
3 提高能量, 卻不影響睡眠
4 舒張血管, 對血壓有益
5 防止鈣累積
6 減腎石風險
7 有助胰島素正常
8 改善偏頭痛
9 提升情緒, 改善憂鬱
10 減少皮質醇, 助減壓


• 提升能量 (與ATP有關), 缺鎂易疲倦
• 有助心率功能正常、肺功能、代謝碳水化合物
• 紓解肌肉繃緊, 減少肌肉痙攣
• 是舒緩都市人神經壓力的平宜方法
• 關注血糖的營養補充
• 關注血壓的營養補充
• 助維生素D吸收
• 幫助舒解便秘
• 緩解胃液倒流
• 平衡血鈣,減少血管硬化現象 (防止鈣沉澱在軟組織)
• 減少因緊張而導致腦部不自主的抽動,有覺好睡
• 非轉基因,無麩質,亦適合素食者
• GMP生產標準
• 英國製造

• 降低感覺異常(Paresthesia), 往往是咀唇, 手指, ?底針剌麻痺感
• 調節副甲狀腺素
• 少食綠葉蔬菜的人任需要補充鎂
• 亦適合壓大人仕
• 關注血糖主要營養素之一


Best Immune, UK



(資料更新自 Feb 01st, 2025)

Dr Berg 對各種鎂的比較, 最好是甘胺酸鎂 Magnesium Glycinate

Dr Berg 介紹甘胺酸鎂 Magnesium Glycinate

Comapny Information:

About Us
Best Immune International is a relatively small, family-run business based in the Dorset. We have an excellent team of people, all committed to producing the highest quality nutritional supplements for our customers across the globe.

Quality and purity are the most important elements of how we work here at Best Immune. We use only the best quality raw ingredients to ensure our customers receive only the best quality products.

How we work
Best Immune is fully committed to providing the highest levels of purity and quality in all our supplements.

It all starts with sourcing the best quality raw materials of the highest purity, with next to nothing added to any of our nutritional supplements.

Most of Best Immune International's encapsulated products contain only the active ingredients and nothing else. When the quantity of the ingredient is too small to create a usable product, we add one filler and one filler only which is “plant cellulose”.

Cellulose is a plant-sourced dietary fibre that the body cannot digest, however, as the active ingredient within the capsule is released and absorbed; the cellulose simply passes harmlessly through the body.

The encapsulating process takes place in our state-of-the-art laboratory to ensure products are produced to the highest standards.

We conduct random batch testing to guarantee all products meet these very high standards, whilst also taking samples following the clean-down process of our equipment to ensure there is absolutely no chance of contamination or impacted standards.

Our standards
Nothing is added to our nutritional supplements.

We pride ourselves on the fact that we do not include any hidden emulsifiers, binders, lubricants or stabilisers within any Metabolic nutritional supplements.

That’s no Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, Polyvinylpyrrolidone and Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose. Nothing could possibly interfere with the active ingredients found within any of Best Immune products, making them as effective and as pure as possible.

The extras that you find in some other well-known products are not there for your benefit. Some other manufacturers use them to allow them to manufacture products easier, or make them more aesthetically appealing. What is important to note is that some of those additives are machine lubricants, added to allow the machines to run more smoothly and quickly reducing manufacturing costs.

All of Best Immune laboratory equipment is semi-automatic, which means they run without added lubricants and are contained within a state-of-the-art clean room facility.

Our products are manufactured under strict guidelines of GMP & HACCP certification, a strict set of requirements that ensure food supplements are constantly manufactured and controlled to a high standard.

This demonstrates a manufacturer's ability to produce supplements that meet the industry’s high standards of quality and safety.